Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ready to make the cut?

I'm on my way to the gym to start Jillian Michaels' "Making the Cut" (again)... I gave it a try a few weeks ago and was so sore (the good kind) the following day that I was unable to continue on the plan. This regimen is not designed for someone just starting out. It is best geared towards someone who is in shape, has been working out regularly and is looking to step it up. It made me admit that I really needed to work on my cardiovascular stamina, as this program combines resistance training with bursts of heart-pumping cardio! Also, now that I know what I'm in for, I think I will be working at closer to 90% effort than 110%! :)

What you eat before a workout is very important, many people focus too much on their post-workout meal, which is also very important but let's not lose sight of beforehand. Think about it: Would you set out on a lengthy road trip without first stopping at the gas station? Same holds true for your body... don't workout on an empty stomach! However, you don't want to eat too close to your workout either. When you begin your workout you don't want to draw blood away from your digesting stomach, that's what causes cramps . No fun! 1-2 hours before your work out is ideal.

What to eat?
Keep in mind what you want you are trying to provide your body during a workout: sustainable energy. The best source of this fuel is a slow digesting source of carbohydrates. Look for something high in fiber, I prefer a multi-grain english muffin (other sources include oatmeal, Ezekiel bread, even whole wheat pasta. Just pay attention to portion sizes.) Next you will need a fruit, I have chosen raspberries, but oranges and apples work well too. This will serve as a fast, yet nutritious, digesting carb to kick-start your workout. Finally, no meal is complete without protein. As the building block of new muscle, it is essential that you provide your body with this material so that it may synthesize new muscle growth. Great sources of a complete protein are egg whites, chicken, turkey, or as I have chosen, a greek yogurt with 16 grams of protein! I threw a little granola in there for crunch. As you can see, this is quite a large meal and I would suggest something like this to be consumed two hours before a workout.

What is your favorite pre-workout meal?

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